I made it! Finally, I read 52 books in one year. That was my goal, ...

So this is my first post since the election last week. I haven’t done much ...

I am finally going on vacation this week, which I am really looking forward to. ...

Back in 2006, when blogging was just starting to get popular, I decided to start ...

Thanks to the many Facebook friends who provided suggestions for the 2016 crowdsourced Summer Reading ...

I haven’t posted a lot lately, but I am definitely reading and making some plans for ...

Life has gotten busy the last few weeks, but I was able to spend 36 ...

Happy New Year!! Sheila at Book Journey is continuing her tradition of hosting First Book ...

2015 was not my best year in reading. Life just got the better of me. My daughters’ bedtimes ...

Last Friday, I was on Robin Kall’s “Reading With Robin” radio show. We had a great ...