I apologize for being away from the blog for a while. My twins turned 5 ...

I am happy to announce – very far in advance – the June EDIWTB book ...

Remembering the Bones, by Frances Itani, is a poignant and thought-provoking book about a woman unexpectedly ...

First, a lament. Why am I such a slow reader? I don't get it. I ...

My fellow book blogger Julie at Booking Mama gets a lot of books in the ...

This month, EDIWTB book club participants read Buffalo Lockjaw, the debut novel by Greg Ames. ...

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a book called Ms. Hempel Chronicles, by Sarah ...

I read a review of A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick on Booking Mama this ...

I'd never heard of British author Lisa Jewell before, but I read this blurb about ...

OK, I've moved on (temporarily) from books about high school to ones about college. Here's ...