LITTLE MONSTERS by Adrienne Brodeur

Little Monsters by Adrienne Brodeur is a dysfunctional family drama about the Gardners, father Adam and kids Ken and Abby (their mother died in childbirth with Abby). They live in Cape Cod, where Adam is set to retire from a distinguished career as an oceanographer and is going off his meds for bipolar disorder. Ken is a successful real estate developer harboring anger and resentment toward his sister, an artist living a bohemian life and hiding a pregnancy from her family. And as the book – and the Cape Cod summer season – opens, Stephanie, a police officer in Boston with a newborn, comes to town with the secret knowledge that Adam is her biological father. As the summer weeks pass by, the relationships between the four grow more fraught as longheld secrets come to the surface and the tectonic plates of their family shift and settle. This one came highly recommended to me, but as it wore on, I grew tired of the family. Despite a climactic scene at the end where all the characters came together, I didn’t find much resolution, and, a week later, find myself barely thinking about the book. So this was just OK for me. Regardless, if you enjoy deeply introspective family novels about wealthy characters with secrets, you might like this one. I listened to this one on audio and the group cast was pretty good. PS I have not yet read Brodeur’s memoir, Wild Game, but that was also highly recommended.