WE ARE TOO MANY by Hannah Pittard

We Are Too Many by Hannah Pittard is a memoir about the breakup of the author’s marriage after her husband has an affair with her best friend. Pittard jumps back and forth in time, examining her relationship with both of the betraying parties and trying to understand her own role in what went wrong. The format is interesting – some chapters are short vignettes, some are more traditional retellings of episodes throughout the marriage, and some are entirely made up, conversations Pittard imagines having with her husband or dialogues between other people that she constructed from her imagination. I enjoyed this mix of formats – I think it’s a good depiction of how we actually think and process. Lots of jumping around in one’s mind and combining memories of things that actually happened with our best guesses – and fantasies – of how things might have happened. I am a also a sucker for a divorce memoir, which is why I picked this up. In the end, though, I found it relentlessly depressing – was anyone EVER happy in this relationship? – and the people in Pittard’s life pretty unlikeable. So I wasn’t as invested in the marriage as I might have been, and therefore not as torn by the shocking event that led to its end. (I don’t think the author was, either.)