It’s finally time to introduce the 2021 EDIWTB Reading Challenge!
My goal with the Challenge is to help you expand your reading horizon a bit, make a dent in your TBR list and read your bookshelves, without making it all feel like a chore. This is supposed to be fun!
Here is the spreadsheet where you can keep track of your progress. If your name doesn’t already appear from former challenges, please add it to the list. When you complete a category, add the book title and author to your row on the spreadsheet. It’s fun to see what other people are reading!
Here are the 2021 categories! (Some of these are repeats from prior challenges.)
- A book with a red cover
- A book that’s been sitting on your shelf for 2+ years
- Pick a book any book – go up to your shelves, eyes closed, and pick the first unread book you touch. No do-overs!
- A genre you don’t usually read. Go outside your comfort zone!
- A book recommended by your best friend
- A memoir
- A non-fiction book on a topic you love
- A debut novel
- A historical fiction novel
- A book/movie pairing. Read a book, and then watch a movie or show based on that book.
- Celebrity book club pick. There are a lot of celebrity/influencer book clubs out there – pick one of the books chosen for one of them in 2021
- A book by an author you love
Thanks for joining the 2021 EDIWTB Reading Challenge! Please also join the 2021 EDWITB Reading Challenge Facebook Group, where we share book ideas and encourage each other as the year goes by.
About Me
I have been blogging about books here at Everyday I Write the Book since 2006. I love to read, and I love to talk about books and what other people are reading.